Hidden Meaning Word Puzzles provide excellent development in flexible thinking skills.That is, to say, they require lateral thinking and sometimes intuition, ( which means knowing or understanding something without reasoning ).
Most of these puzzle types make use of native colloquialisms , that is the words or expressions used in casual language.(You will find a good deal of colloquialisms mixed in to these types of word puzzles.)
For example in the common saying "Life's Short" we might construct a word puzzle as follows:
Tall Life.
So as we can see the word life is smaller in stature than the preceding word tall, but if we weren't familiar with the phrase "Life is Short" , than this puzzle solution would be less obvious.
The best place to start when solving these word puzzle types is to identify any words that may be in the picture – sometimes broken into pieces. For example, in the word puzzle:
We have some words here: out (which is capitalized ) and between two other words ' in ' and ' side ' .
Visually we can see that 'out' is between ' in ' and ' side ' , (or equivalently, that the word ' inside ' is wrapped around the word ' out ' ), therefore we have our solution : INSIDE OUT.
It becomes apparent that if one were constructing these types of puzzles, you should try to use common phrases.If you feel up to the challenge I have added my own puzzles at the bottom of this page.
July 2012Hidden Meaning #1 |
August 2012Hidden Meaning #2 |
September 2012Hidden Meaning #3November 2012Hidden Meaning #5 |
October 2012Hidden Meaning #4December 2012Hidden Meaning #6 |
We are pleased to announce that you may now download and print (as always free of charge!) the solutions to our hidden meaning puzzles (click here)